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Roulette Rules
Roulette rules vary according to the table you're playing at, and remember that you can always ask the dealers specific questions, don't hesitate to; they might even appreciate the conversation. Basically, roulette is a game of chance where players bet that a marble spun about a wheel will land in a particular pocket, of which there are 38 around the rim of the wheel. These pockets are either red or black, the only exception being a green 0 pocket, and in American roulette a green double 0 pocket. You may bet on any one number coming up, and you may bet on as many numbers as you like. Combinations of numbers and bets on spreads are also acceptable, within the limits of the game. For a comprehensive look at roulette betting read our play page, it's a perfect follow up after reading this roulette rules section.
@ The table
Just to get started, let's take a look at the table and who stands around it. The croupier (or dealer) stands along one length of the table. In American roulette rules there are usually multiple dealers operating a table, where as off of North America it is often just one. Players stand along the other side, and at the end opposite the wheel itself.
Players usually stand around the roulette table, but there are sometimes a few seats available if you're among the first to arrive. If you do sit down, be prepared for players who don't have a seat to be leaning over you while placing their bets. Keep a keen eye on your chips if there is anyone getting a little too close for comfort.
The Wheel
The roulette wheel itself is a marvelous little piece of work. A lot of care is put into the manufacturing process, as it has to be completely free of biases. Online roulette wheels of course are simply random number generators, no need for good engineering there, just good programming. Roulette rules don't allow for late bets, as a team of players could position somebody with a sharp eye at the right angle from the wheel, guess the falling number just as the marble comes down, and give hand signals to someone close to the table who could put money down on the likely number. Artists have perfected these scams, since an inside bet in roulette rules pays off at a nice high ratio. And if these people have perfected something as complex as predicting the landing number by seeing the wheel a little after bets are called off, then you know a biased wheel could certainly be taken advantage of. A biased wheel is one where the engineering precision has been compromised to some degree, which can be caused by any number of variables, from human tampering to natural wear and tear. If a wheel develops an anomaly in the way it spins, it can turn out that one number or a set of numbers near one another on the wheel get the marble more often than chance would regularly allow for. If you are aware of the imperfection, you could make a killing. Sadly, people have, and so now the casinos check their roulette wheel on almost a daily basis for inaccuracies.
So we can't readily take advantage of the roulette wheel, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't take a closer look at it. Taking a look at the layout of numbers reveals many a pattern. The numbers have been spread around the wheel in such a manner that things are as even as possible. Every odd number on the board is directly across from the next highest even number. Standard roulette rules dictate that pairs of even numbers alternate around the wheel with pairs of odd numbers. In fact, a balance between red and black, odd and even and high and low has been achieved to some degree with the engineering of a modern roulette wheel. Roulette rules relate directly to the table layout. Many people as me, if what you say is true and every spin on the wheel is independent of the preceding one, then why is there any point to adding order to the placement of numbers? Good question, simple answer though. You can bet on as many numbers as you want, and more than that you can bet on numbers and ranges (high/low/columns) at the same time. If there were a concentration on any one area of the wheel of, say, odd or even numbers, the casino could not accept bets on sets of these numbers, because the odds on one set would not be the same as the odds on another set.
When chips are chips
Playing roulette is a fairly uncomplicated process once you're used to it. One of the most common stumbling blocks comes with the very first thing you do when you get to the table, cash in. According to roulette rules, casino chips are not actually casino chips, they are called checks. Basically this means that whenever you play blackjack or craps or any of the other table games with normal casino chips, those chips are actually called checks. This is why you may hear people asking for 'check' change at the craps table. They are exchanging one denomination of check for another. Only at the roulette table are the tokens actually called 'chips'. You'll notice early on that at the roulette table you play with different tokens than anywhere else. In fact, the dealer gives you your own color of chip, which nobody else uses, so that they can keep proper track of your chips. Each color is not associated with a value by default; the choice is up to you. If you want to play with five-dollar chips and you're given the color yellow, the dealer will put a $5 marker on a stack of yellow chips on the dealer's side of the table.